Municipal election

When the municipal election approaches, we gather information about the election on this page. Here you can also find the election results from the previous municipal elections.

Municipal elections are held every fourth year on the second Tuesday in November.

The next municipal elections in the Faroe Islands will be held on Tuesday November 10th, 2024.

Practical information about the municipal election
How to vote early


You can cast your vote up to 4 months before the election if you are a mariner or you expect not to be at home in the Faroe Islands on the election day. This you can do by showing up at the Citizen Service Centre (Snarskivan) in Tórshavn. You must bring a picture ID or a passport to cast your vote.


You can absentee vote at the earliest the week before the election if you have an illness or are otherwise prevented from physically showing up at the voting station on the election day. You may request to absentee vote by contacting the Citizen Service Centre on +298 30 20 10. Two appointed election officials will then come to your residence and validate your vote.

The day before election day, that is Monday November 9th, you can absentee vote at the Citizen Service Centre (Snarskivan) until 22:00.

If you are prevented from showing up at the Citizen Service Centre to cast your vote, you can call the hotline outside regular opening hours and make an appointment in order for two of our appointed election officials to come to your residence and validate your vote.

The hotline can be reached at + 298 26 34 09, and will be answering calls until Monday November 9th at 22.00.

The deadline for absentee voting is Monday November 9th at 24.00.

You may also absentee vote if you are admitted to a hospital or a different care facility, or if you receive medical treatment in your home. You can contact your hospital, your care facility or your doctor and request to vote.

You may contact the police to absentee vote if you are currently in police detention and are eligible to vote.


You may cast a mail-in ballot at your nearest Faroese representation, consulate, official representative or Danish embassy if you are abroad on the election day.

You may cast a mail-in ballot at your local municipal office in Denmark or Greenland if you are currently in one of those countries and you are eligible to vote.

Be aware that the mail-in ballots need to have reached the Faroe Islands before the election day in order to be valid, so make sure to vote in good time.

Voting rights and eligibility

All residents in the Faroe Islands, who have the right to vote and are registered as voters can vote at the municipal elections.

You are eligible to vote and run for office if you:

  • are 18 years or older and meet the requirements of voting rights and eligibility to run for national office
  • are registered in the national register of your municipality at least 2 weeks ahead of election day
  • are registered as living in the municipality on the election day

If you are not a Danish citizen, you must have been a permanent resident in the Faroe Islands for at least 3 years prior to the election day to be eligible to vote in a municipal election.

You need to be registered to vote

Your local municipal office will make the voting register available for public inspection at the least 4 weeks prior to the election. The voting register lists all registered voters to the municipal election, and public persons are entitled to check the register until 2 weeks prior to the election.

You will automatically receive a voting invitation in the mail if you meet the requirements for voting in the municipal elections and you are registered to vote. Contact your local citizen service centre if you have not received your voting invitation.

You will not be eligible to vote in any municipality if you move to a different municipality less than 2 weeks before the municipal election day.

Non-Faroese citizens

If you are a non-Faroese citizen, you are eligible to vote and run for office in a municipal election if you have been a permanent resident in the Faroe Islands for the last 3 years prior to the election day.

You do not need to have Danish citizenship.

You need to be registered to vote in your municipality at least 2 weeks before the election day and be living in the municipality on the election day to be eligible to vote.

Faroese expats are not eligible to vote in municipal elections

Faroese citizens, who are registered as living abroad, are not eligible to vote in municipal elections.

Faroese students abroad are also not eligible to vote in municipal elections.

This is due to not meeting the requirements of being registered as living in the municipality at least 2 weeks prior to the election, and still be living in the municipality on election day.

The legislation regarding municipal elections and national elections are available in the links below:

Voting legislation for Faroese municipalities ( - in Faroese

Voting legislation for the Faroese Parliament ( - in Faroese

Voting invitation

All eligible voters will receive a personal voting invitation in the mail 2 weeks before the election.

The voting invitation is your personal proof of eligibility, and you must remember to bring it when you go to the voting station to vote on election day.


The voting invitation will list your designated voting station. You can find a list of all voting stations in the link below:

Voting stations


You need to contact your municipality's national register if you are eligible to vote and have not received your voting invitation, or if the voting invitation contains an error.

If you are a resident in the Municipality of Tórshavn you can contact the Citizen Service Centre at +298 30 20 10 or write to

If the Citizen Service Centre confirms that you are eligible to vote, then you need to find out what your voting station is by contacting the Citizen Service Centre on the election day between 9:00 and 20:00.

When you arrive at your designated voting station on the election day, you will need to show your drivers licence or passport, and the election officials will issue you a new voting invitation.

You may then vote as usual.



The election officials at your voting station can issue you a new voting invitation in person on the election day. You will need to show your drivers licence or your passport.

You may then vote as usual.



You will still receive a voting invitation in the mail 2 weeks prior to the election even if you have voted early.

This will not affect your early vote.

You may change your mind and vote for a new candidate on the election day even if you have previously voted early. If you vote in person on the election day, the election committee will securely destroy your early vote, and the early vote will not count in the election result.

How to vote in person on election day

You need to arrive at your voting station on election day between 10:00 and 20:00 and bring your voting invitation and a picture ID such as your drivers licence or passport.

If you have forgotten, lost or never received your voting invitation, the election officials will issue a new one to you at the voting station.

When you hand in your voting invitation, the poll worker will hand you a ballot with the names of all the candidates. You must enter the voting cubicle on your own without the presence of other people.

You cast your vote by writing one X in the box next to the name of the list you are voting for OR in the box next to the name of the candidate you are voting for. Your ballot may not contain any other mark or scribble. You can ask the poll worker to give you a new, empty ballot if you have made a mistake. Your old ballot will then be securely destroyed.

You can see an example of a correctly filled out ballot here:

How to write on your election ballot

After you have marked your ballot, you should fold your ballot so the names are not visible and exit the voting cubicle. Put your ballot into the ballot box while an election official is watching. You are now finished.

If you have cast an early ballot, you may still change your mind and vote in person on the election day instead. Your early ballot will then be securely destroyed and will not count in the election result.

Timeline for the municipal election
Early voting opens for mariners or absent voters

Mariners and other voters, who will be absent on the election day can at the earliest cast their votes four months before the election.

Voting registers are available for public inspection

Your local municipal office will make the voting register available for public inspection at the least 4 weeks prior to the election. The voting register lists all registered voters to the municipal election, and public persons are entitled to check the register until 2 weeks prior to the election.

The local municipal office will usually release the information about where to inspect the voting register 5 weeks prior to the election.

Political parties nominate their candidates

In some municipalities the candidates are nominated on party-affiliated lists, and in other municipalities the candidates form a non-partisan list.

In the Municipality of Tórshavn the candidates are usually nominated on party-affiliated lists, and the letters of the lists (A, B, C etc.) correlate with the letters of the political parties.

The lists must contain a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 nominators, and must contain an appendix with the names, professions, addresses and dates of births of the nominators.

The lists must be handed to the the election inspector or the municipal office before 18:00 at least 3 weeks prior to the election.

The Ministry of Environmental and Industry Affairs has examples of a list of candidates. Find the title »Valevnislisti (vegleiðandi dømi)« in the list to the right and click on it.

Municipal elections - Ministry of Environmental and Industry Affairs (

The election committee approves the valid nomination lists and assigns a letter to the lists that will be written before the name of the candidate on the election ballot.

Absentee voting opens

You may cast your absentee vote 1 week before the election day if you are prevented from physically showing up to vote at the voting station on the election day.

If your home address is in the Municipality of Tórshavn, you can contact the Citizen Service Centre (Snarskivan) on +298 30 20 10 and request to vote from home. Two representatives from the election committee will then come to your home to validate your vote.

If you are admitted to a hospital or another care facility, or receive medical care in your own home, you may also request to vote at the hospital, care facility or doctor's office.

If you are receiving medical treatment in the Municipality of Tórshavn, but your home address is in another municipality, you should contact your own municipality and ask your municipality to help you vote in absentia.

You can absentee vote from November 3rd to November 9th.

November 9 - absentee voting ends

November 9th is the deadline for absentee voting.

November 10 - election day

You can vote in person at your voting station on the election day, November 10th.

Your voting station will be listed on your voting invitation, which you will have received in the mail 2 weeks prior to the election.

All voting stations open at 10:00 and close at 20:00. Voting stations will however remain open until the last person in the queue has finished voting.

Poll workers and voting inspectors will be present at the voting stations to ensure that the election proceeds correctly.

The ballots will be counted at 20:00 or as soon as the last person in the queue has finished voting. The public may under normal circumstances supervise the ballot counting at the voting station from behind a designated barrier. The public is not advised to congregate in public spaces for this election due to Coronavirus precautions.

The election results will be reported live at the voting station, in the radio, on television and online. The election results are usually known before midnight on the election day.

November 11 - potential recount

The election committee or the City Council may request an immediate recount if the results were very close or if there is suspicion that some votes are counted incorrectly.

The recount must be held at the latest on the day after the election.

The final results will then be published after the recount.

December 2024 - the new City Council forms and appoints the mayor

The newly elected City Council members will meet in December to form the new City Council and appoint the mayor and the vice mayor.

The public does not have a direct influence on who becomes mayor.

The members also forms the Financial Committee and other committees and appoint the chairs of the committees. They also appoint the City Council representatives in the different public committees.

The City Council sits for 4 years from January 1st following the election to December 31st.

Municipal Elections 2020
Parliamentary seats

Share of seats at the municipal election 2020

Political party

Seats 2016

Seats 2020


A. Fólkaflokkurin22
B. Sambandsflokkurin11
C. Javnaðarflokkurin56+ 1
D. Sjálvstýri
E. Tjóðveldi43-  1
F.  Framsókn11
L. Borgaralistin

Vote share

Share of votes on election day November 10th 2020. Out of a total of 13.164 votes 32 were blank and 14 invalid.

 Political party



A. Fólkaflokkurin170412,9
B. Sambandsflokkurin155411,8
C. Javnaðarflokkurin577643,9
D. Sjálvstýri960,7
E. Tjóðveldi269820,5
F.  Framsókn12669,6
L. Borgaralistin700,5

Tórshavn City Council members 2021 - 2024

The 13 City Council members elected for the Municipality of Tórshavn in 2021 to 2024 are:

Mayor: Heðin Mortensen (C)
Tróndur Sigurðsson (C)
Annika Olsen (A)
Elsa Berg (E)
Kristianna Winther Poulsen (C)
Deputy mayor: Annfinn Brekkstein (B)
Jákup Dam (E)
Kári Johansen (C)
Súna Mørk (C)
Gunvør Balle (E)
Ruth Vang (F)
Bjørg Dam (C)
Birgir Nielsen (A)

Voter turnout

The voter turnout in the Municipality of Tórshavn has continuously increased over the last four municipal elections.

81,1% of all eligible voters in the Municipality of Tórshavn cast their ballots in the 2020 municipal election.

79.5% of all eligible voters in the Municipality of Tórshavn cast their ballots in the 2016 municipal election.

77.37% of all eligible voters in the Municipality of Tórshavn cast their ballots in the 2012 municipal elections.

72.4% of all eligible voters in the Municipality of Tórshavn cast their ballots in the 2009 municipal elections.

Seats in the municipal elections are often determined by less than ten votes and sometimes by one single vote, so your vote is very important and will have a big influence on politics in the Municipality of Tórshavn.

Municipal Elections 2016
Parliamentary seats and votes

You can see previous election results, including the results from the Municipal elections on November 8th, 2016 on Kringvarp Føroya's website:

Election results ( - in Faroese

Tórshavn City Council members 2016 - 2020

The 13 City Council members elected for the Municipality of Tórshavn in 2016 to 2020 were:

Mayor: Annika Olsen (A)
Deputy mayor: Gunvør Balle (E)
Bogi Andreasen (A)
Annfinn Brekkstein (B)
Heðin Mortensen (C)
Tróndur Sigurðsson (C)
Bjørghild Djurhuus (C)
Helena Dam á Neystabø (C)
Halla Samuelsen (C)
Marin Katrina Frýdal (E)
Jákup Dam (E)
Turið Horn (E)
Bergun Kass (F)

Voter turnout

79.5% of all eligible voters in the Municipality of Tórshavn cast their ballots in the 2016 municipal election.

Background information

Municipal election legislation (kommunuval)

The municipal election legislation lists the rules and regulations for municipal elections in the Faroe Islands. It is available to read here:

Municipal election legislation ( - in Faroese

Faroese Parliamentary election legislation (løgtingsval)

The municipal election legislation also refers to the Faroese Parliamentary election legislation, which is available to read here:

Faroese Parliamentary election legislation ( - in Faroese

Snarskivan (Citizen Service Centre)
Snarskivan (Citizen Service Centre)

Vaglið 1, 100 Tórshavn

Tel. 30 20 10

Opening hours
Monday - Thursday9-16