Lat aftur
Multicultural Week 2023
Join us for Multicultural week  20-27 October! Join us for Multicultural week  20-27 October!
Join us for Multicultural week 20-27 October!

The Multicultural Week is a national campaign that aims to embrace cultural diversity in the Faroe Islands.

Read everything about the Multicultural Week here.

Official opening on  Friday, 20th of October  Official opening on  Friday, 20th of October
Official opening on Friday, 20th of October

The opening ceremony will take place in the Nordic House on Friday, October 20, at 15.00.

Almen setan av Fjølmentanarvikuni í Norðurlandahúsinum.
 Look for inspiration in the "Idea Kit "  Look for inspiration in the "Idea Kit "
Look for inspiration in the "Idea Kit "

The »Idea Kit« can be used as inspiration for organizing activities during the Multicultural Week.

Search the contents of the toolkit here:

Hugskotskjátta Fjølmentanarvika 2023
Short film competition Short film competition
Short film competition

The theme for the film competition will be revealed at the opening of the Multicultural Week on Friday, October 20, in the Nordic House.

Everyone is welcome to participate!

Dance and music during the Multicultural Week Dance and music during the Multicultural Week
Dance and music during the Multicultural Week

International DJ-evening, musical evening, dance evening, and dance performances.

Check our programme and find all the fun events everywhere around the islands.


In this site, you can look for inspiration if you want to organize an activity for the Multicultural Week

Hugskotskjátta Fjølmentanarvika 2023

Multicultural week makes immigrants turn from invisible to visible. So important to be seen and heard in order to assist with integration.

Multicultural Week 2023

People from 132 different countries live in the Faroe Islands. The goal of the Multicultural Week is to shed light on cultural diversity and embrace it in Faroese society.  

We can celebrate cultural diversity in different ways, for example, with food, music, art, sports, information, and shared stories and experiences.

The intention is that Multicultural Week becomes a recurrent campaign in which all municipalities contribute and celebrate cultural diversity.

Municipalities, schools, interest groups, companies, and individuals participate and organize events during the days of 20-27 October when the Multicultural Week takes place. Below you can read about the week, and how to participate.

Look for inspiration in the »Idea Kit«. 

As soon as new initiatives are added to the programme it will be updated here on this page. You can also see what is on the programme in other municipalities.

Multicultural Week is not a political campaign, it is a celebration, where we can experience and celebrate cultural diversity in the Faroe Islands.

How can I participate?

Multicultural Week welcomes everyone to join.

You can attend any of the events organised during the week, but you can also arrange an activity of your choosing for a public audience. During the Multicultural Week, we encourage you to partake in the events alone or with your family, friends or colleagues.

 Your school or work place can also arrange an activity that adapts more to the particular necessities of your community. 

All municipalities are  invited to participate or arrange an activity for your community and be an active part of the Multicultural Week .

If you arrange an activity or performance, please send us information about the contents, time and place. If the activity or performance is public, it will appear on the general programme for the Multicultural Week, but  if the activity or performance is not public, it´s ok. We are still happy to hear that you participate in the event!

To inform us about your activity or performance, press the green button below, fill out the fields and press "send" so that we can check the information before it comes on the programme list.


register an activity or performance for the multicultural week   

A lot of activities have already been arranged, for example; opening, short story writing contest, short film competition, family activities, dances and food events. Read more about the programme below. Be aware that the programme becomes updated once a new activity has been arranged, so follow this page to be up to date.

We have also made an "Idea Kit" or Hugskotskjáttu which can be used for inspiration.

Read more about the "Idea Kit" below on this page.


Multicultural Week 2023
Friday, October 20

10:00-16:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur 
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.

Place: The Library Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

15:00 Official Opening. Entertainment, Speeches and Snacks.

  • The winner of the short story competition will be announced
  • The theme for the 48-hour short film competition will be announced. Read more on Klippfisk homepage:
  • South American tunes with Sergio Martínez Muñoz and Cinthia González Parada
  • Dance performance by the dance group Bailamos. Read more on Facebook page: Bailamos. fo á Facebook
  • Performance of a drum group from Nigeria
  • Restaurant Systrar will serve delicious snacks. Read more on the Systrar homepage:  Systrar (systrar. fo)

Place: Nordic House, Norðari Ringvegur 14, Tórshavn

Saturday, October 21

10:00-14:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur 
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent 
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.  
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur



Multicultural Week in Løkshøll 

  • Come and join us for a dance or two. Four different instructors will lead the dances from various countries.
  • Thai House will serve fruit refreshments 
  • And the library will be open, and you can relax or read a good book.
  • The event is free. 
  • Place: Løkshøll, Rókarvegur 1, Runavík


Multicultural Dinner Party 

  • Dinner party with food from all over the world. Everyone is welcome to come and get a taste.
  • The event is free.
  • Place: Perlan, Tórsgøta 3, Tórshavn



Family Event

  • Fun activities for families with children. 
  • Place: Reinsaríið, Tórsgøta 5, Tórshavn


21:00-02:00 Dance Night

Start Multicultural Week with fun and a good beat!

  • Dances and music from international music platforms 
  • DJ Lisan Al Gaib will play famous songs from all over the world  
  • It is possible to buy refreshments from a food cart on Perlan Square
  • Free entry
  • Read more on Tórsgøta homepage:
  • Tórsgøta (
  • Place: Perlan, Tórsgøta 3, Tórshavn
Sunday, October 22

15:00 Film "Quiet Life"

  • The Minority Film Festival is happy to announce the film "Quiet Life" about international adoption.
  • For more information about the Faroe Islands Minority Film Festival 2023, click the link below.
  • Stille liv (
  • Place: Nordic House, Norðari Ringvegur 14, Tórshavn

16:00 Multicultural event, Strendur

  • Citizens from Sjóvar municipality, from around the world, will show you bits from their culture.
  • Cinthia Gonzáles Parada and Sergio Martinez perform music
  • Dance performance from Thailand
  • Food from around the world
  • Fjølmentanarligt tiltak á Strondum (
  • Place: The village hall, Strendur

17:00 "Cancelled" Artist Talk. "The Cultural Challenge" "Cancelled"

  •  Det Ferösche Compagnie will host a conversation about the play "When the War Is Over."
  •   Det Ferösche Compagnie (
  • Place: Nordic House, Norðari Ringvegur 14, Tórshavn
Monday, October 23

Multicultural Week SMS

  • People from around the world work in SMS
  • Through Multicultural Week at "Torgið", you can learn who they are and their origin.
  • Draw the flags of the world
  • Buy the dish of the day at Miklagarður: Mousakka and vegetables from Greece
  • Place: Torgið, SMS, Tórshavn

10:00-18:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

17:00 Storytelling at the Library of Klaksvík

  • Meet local participants of the short story competition and hear their stories.
  • The competition's theme was "Home"; the story should be around 1000-1500 words, and the purpose was to shed light on Multiculture in the Faroe Islands.
  • Klaksvíkar bókasavn (
  • Place:The library in Klaksvík, Biskupsstøðgøta 9, Klaksvík

19:00  Multicultural Knitting Club (Bindiklubbur)

  • Everyone is welcome to the knitting club in Virkishúsinum við Ánna, even if you are a beginner or do not know at all how to knit because Bindiklubbur is a lot more than just knitting, it is having a good time together.
  • Stað: Virkishúsið við Ánna, Hammersheimbsvegur 8, Sandavágur

20:20 Pecha Kucha

  • Pecha Kucha is a Japanese form of storytelling. During the Multicultural Week,  Pecha Kucha Torshavn will host participants from various countries.
  • For more information, follow Pecha Kucha Tórshavn's Facebook page on the link below.
  • (2) Facebook
  • Ticket price: 20kr
  • Place: Reinsaríið, Tórsgøta 3, Tórshavn
Tuesday, October 24

Multicultural Week SMS

  • People from around the world work in SMS
  • Through Multicultural Week at "Torgið", you can learn who they are and their origin.
  • Draw the flags of the world
  • Buy the day's dish at Miklagarður: Killinga Adobo from the Philipines.
  • Place: Torgið, SMS, Tórshavn

10:00-16:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

17:00 Storytime at the library "Við løkin"

  • Local participants of the short story competition read their stories.
  • You will hear stories from Gretchen Rasmussen, Oliviu O. Olsen, Rebekku S.F. Kristiansen and Nanný Toftegaard.
  • The stories will be in English and Faroese
  • Place The library "við Løkin", Rókarvegur 1, Runavík
Wednesday, October 25

Multicultural Week SMS

  • People from around the world work in SMS
  • Through Multicultural Week at "Torgið", you can learn who they are and their origin.
  • Draw the flags of the world
  • Buy the day's dish at Miklagarður: Plokkfish from Iceland.
  • Place: Torgið, SMS, Tórshavn


10:00-16:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur 
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent 
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.  
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur


17-20 Exhibition in Miðlatún


17:30-20:30 Multicultural evening at Eysturkommuna

  • Conversations with people from other origins than Faroese. Meet Ved Nagurset from Mauritius and Turi Géza Dávid from Hungary.
  • hear about events in Eysturkommuna for newcomers
  • Statistics about foreigners in Eysturkommuna
  • Food will be served
  • The event will be in Faroese and interpreted in English
  • Everyone in Eysturkommuna is Welcome
  • Place: Víkingahúsið, Norðragøta

18:00-20:00 "Potluck"

  • Welcome to potluck
  • Food from around the world
  • Free entry
  • Place: Listastovan, Gummaldagøta, Miðvágur


19:00  Conversation with the winner of the Short story competition.

  • The winner of the short story competition will discuss a little bit about the artist's creative process and will read fragments of the story.
  • For more information, follow the links below.
  • Býarbókasavnið (
  • Klippfisk (
  • Place: City Library, Niels Finsens gøta 7, Tórshavn


19:00 Explore the Philipines

  • In the library of Klaksvík, you will get a taste of what the Philipines offer. 
  • Presentations from Jean Dela Cruz Guðjonsson, who has lived in Klaksvík for many years, and other Philipines, who are happy to answer your questions.
  • Coffe, tea and snacks will be served for free.
  • Place: The Library of Klaksvík, Biskupsstøðgøta 9, Klaksvík
Thursday, October 26

Multicultural Week SMS

  • People from around the world work in SMS
  • Through Multicultural Week at "Torgið", you can learn who they are and their origin.
  • Draw the flags of the world
  • Buy the day's dish at Miklagarður: Panang Curry and rice from Thailand
  • Place: Torgið, SMS, Tórshavn

10:00-16:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

17:00-19:00 Dance Class

  • The dance group "Bailamos" offers a free dance class.
  • Free entry.
  • Place: Perlan, Tórsgøta 3, Tórshavn

17:00-19:00 Language Café in the Library in Klaksvík

  • Come and practice your Faroese in the language cafe.
  • Red Cross, Klaksvík
  • Place: The Library in Klaksvík, Biskupsstøðgøta 9, Klaksvík

17:00-19:00 Multicultural Language Café

Friday, October 27

Multicultural Week SMS

  • People from around the world work in SMS
  • Through Multicultural Week at "Torgið", you can learn who they are and their origin.
  • Draw the flags of the world
  • Buy the day's dish at Miklagarður: BBQ ribs with Coleslaw and fries from USA.
  • Place: Torgið, SMS, Tórshavn

10:00-16:00  How well do you know the flags of the world?

  • The library Miðlatún celebrates the Multicultural Week 20-27 October
  • There will be flags of all the nationalities that are represented in Vágur
  • Come and guess what countries the flags represent
  • You can win something sweet if you guess right.
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

13:00-16:00 Pumpkins in Miðlatún

  • Family activity in Miðlatún
  • Come and carve a beautiful pumpkin. We can help with ideas for carving.
  • Take your pumpkin home
  • Tea and something delicious for children
  • Place: Miðlatún, Vágsvegur 57, Vágur

20:00-22:00 Pubquiz at Fiskastykkið

20:00-02:00 Multicultural DJ-party

  • This is the closing event for the Multicultural Week.
  • DJ- party will host the evening with tunes from all over the world.
  • Free entry
  • Place: Perlan, Tórsgøta 3, Tórshavn

What is the 'Idea Kit?

We have produced an "Idea kit" or Hugskotskjáttan in Faroese. The purpose of the toolkit is to inspire the user with ideas and events that can be done during this week.

Hugskotsjáttan contains different types of activities for different age groups and sectors. There are two main sections:

Section 1. Institutions, Workplaces and Associations

Section 2. Children and Youth.

The municipalities will send the "Idea kit" to institutions, schools, workplaces, and associations in their respective districts. Everyone is welcome to use it as inspiration for activities and events.

We encourage participants to use their own ideas and take initiative for the Multicultural Week.

All the events and activities that will be open to the public can be  included in our calendar. But if your activity or event is not open for the public, we would like to hear from you as well.

If you are planning an event during the Multicultural Week, please let us know at:

You are also welcome to post images with the hashtag: #fjolmentanforoyar.

The Idea Kit is available here:

Multicultural Week Idea Kit 2023 (in Faroese)

Send your proposal to the "Idea Kit" initiative.

All participants are welcome to use the ideas proposed in the toolkit. We would also love to hear about new ideas for the "Idea Kit" and extend the content.

Events and activities that are open for all will be included in our overall programme.

Do not worry if your activity or event is not open for all and there is a sign-up requirement, we would like to hear from you anyway. So if you are planning an event during the Multicultural Week, please let us know.

You are welcome to send us your ideas or images about it. It is possible to attach files of the type: pdf, jpg and png.

If you have an idea in mind and you would like to share it, you are welcome to send it to us! It is easy and fast. Just press the green button and send your idea. It is possible to attach files in different formats like PDF, JPG, or PNG.

SEND an idea for the "idea Kit"

The "Good" advice.

Working for inclusiveness and togetherness is a continuous undertaking that demands openmindedness from all individuals in the society. It is important for the participants to remember that even though our culture is a big part of our identity it is not ALL our entire identity.  We must be careful not to stigmatize or use stigmatizing language.

Here are some guidance points for participants in the Multicultural week.

  • Even though two or more people are from the same country or minority, it is not always certain that they will have something in common.
  • Make emphasis of the things that you have in common and remember that all people are unique regardless of their country of origin.
  • In addition to being a foreigner, people could also be for example; dancers, musicians, book enthusiasts, singers, handball players, or one that loves board games. It is important to focus on different aspects and interests of the person rather than focusing only on their national identity.
  • Remember that all experiences are different whether one is an immigrant or a foreigner and refugee. people are not always ready to talk about their personal experiences.

Thank you and have a great Multicultural Week!

Program for the Multicultural week

The multicultural week will be inaugurated at the Nordic House on Friday the 20th of October 2023  at 15:00 hrs

There will be events spread around Tórshavn and other municipalities around the country.

On the program, you will find the list of activities and the places where the Multicultural Week shall take place.

Multicultural Week Templates

Are you missing a cool template for this week?

We have made templates for the Multicultural Week 2023 available to use. You can find graphics for Word and PowerPoint presentations and templates for social media such as Facebook and Instagram or Tiktok.

We encourage participants to share images of events related to the Multicultural Week on their social media platforms.

For Instagram and Facebook use the hashtag #fjølmentanføroyar.

* Please note that the graphics are to be used exclusively for events related to Multicultural Week 2023.


Vaglið 1, 100 Tórshavn

Tel. 27 10 48