Guide to Samleikin and MínBoks – your digital key and mailbox

You will communicate with many public authorities and banks in the Faroe Islands with the help of your digital key Samleikin, and you will receive your official post to your digital mailbox MínBoks. It is therefore important to activate your Samleiki and MínBoks.

Samleikin and MínBoks are free of charge, but you must be 15 or older and have a Faroese p-number to activate them.

They are not mandatory in the Faroe Islands yet, and you may still handle your communication with authorities through other means. They do however come with many benefits, such as signing into the Faroese Tax Agency’s online self-service and using Tórshavn Municipality’s online childcare booking system BARN.

Using MínBoks and Samleikin
Samleikin – your digital key for online self-service

Samleikin (Faroese for »the identity«) is a digital login and signature which you can use to securely and privately handle your communication with public authorities online, your online banking, and a number of private websites. Samleikin is available as an app for smartphones and tablets, or as an USB stick for computers. It works by demanding a two factor authentication in order to log on: first you tap in your p-number (p-tal) and push the button »Rita inn við Samleikanum«. You are then asked to verify that the two pictures are identical and to tap in your personal password.

Samleikin is free of charge, but you must be 15 or older and have a Faroese p-number in order to obtain one.

You can request Samleikin on the link below. If you don’t understand Faroese, you may need assistance from a Faroese speaker. You can also get help from the Samleikin User Service by calling 1881 or visiting the »Help« section at their website (see link below). The Service Desk is open workdays between 8 – 16.30.

MínBoks – your digital mailbox

MínBoks is your private and secure mailbox. You will receive your letters from public authorities such as your bank, the hospital, pension statements, the Faroese Tax Agency (TAKS), your municipality and more. Some authorities will still send physical letters to your home address.

It is your own responsibility to access your MínBoks regularly, so you don’t miss important letters from public authorities.

You can access your MínBoks at by using your digital login Samleikin. You will first need to activate Samleikin in order to access MínBoks. If you don’t understand Faroese, you may need assistance from a Faroese speaker. You can also get help from the Samleikin User Service by calling 1881 or visiting the »Help« section at their website (see link below). The Service Desk is open workdays between 8 – 16.30.

You are responsible for reading your own digital post

It is your own responsibility to open and read your digital post in MínBoks.

You should check your MínBoks regularly so you don’t miss important letters that require action.

Some authorities will still send physical letters to your home address.

Where to get help
Service Desk at Talgildu Føroyar

If you experience technical issues with creating Samleikin or using MínBoks you can get help from the Service Desk at Talgildu Føroyar, the administrator of all three solutions: Samleikin, Vangin and Mínboks, by calling 1881 or sending an email to The Service Desk can be reached workdays between 8 – 16.30.

Citizen Service Centre (Snarskivan) next to the Town Hall

You can always get help and information at your citizen service centre.

Tórshavn Citizen Service Centre (Snarskivan) is your point of entry to Tórshavn Municipality. It is located in the building next to the Town Hall in the city centre courtyard known as Vaglið.

Citizen Service/Snarskivan

Vaglið 11
100 Tórshavn

Tel. +298 30 20 10
                                                                                                                                  opening hours

Monday-Thursday 9 – 16
Friday 9 – 15
Closed on public holidays


  • Civil Registration Number (p-tal)
  • Signing up for childcare
  • Getting married
  • Changing your address
  • Residence certificate
  • P-tal certificate
The Immigration Office

There are a great many things to take care of when you arrive in the Faroe Islands as a foreign employee.

You can always get help at the Immigration Office (Útlendingastovan) in Tórshavn:


Sigmundargøta 13
100 Tórshavn

Tel. 35 79 79

The Immigration Office website (